A space to find deep nourishment and expansive joy

The Path of the Jetty

The kids and I had an adventure yesterday. I have heard people talk about walking labrynths, about how they are symbolic of life. That is how this was for me. It was certainly an opportunity to work through some stuff.
I love that we did it barefoot.
I love that the babies did what they were comfortable with. And I love that that meant Noble did the whole thing himself (leaping from rock to rock saying he was sticking like Spiderman) and that Najaia about 98% of it herself or holding my hand (with her free hand — the other hand held her treasure, a feather :)), until she got too tired and wanted to be held.

I love that I got to explore my fear of falling — it’s roots possibly from my mom’s fear of heights/falling and her fears scaring me, the reality of me actually falling, when/how different spots felt, and how being a big mama confirms my fears (like an added fear that equipment will fail because of my size).
I love that when I was working on overcoming my fear of falling, I had a giant 2-year-old on my side or back to further test/challenge/push my sense of balance.
I loved going so far (almost to the end) and knowing we had done it.
I loved stopping when I knew it was time, not pushing myself to finish or feeling any less accomplished for not going all the way to the end :))

Our view of the beach from our spot on the jetty :))
I loved sitting at the end with my baby (who calls herself Jaja, and so now so do I :)) while she sorted out her frustrations about me not holding her (Kassidy’s friend held her) while I was trying to get the perfect picture of Noble leaping from one rock to the other. 
That was awesome.
I loved finding my way :))
When I see this picture, may I always remember how empowered I felt that day…
I loved the close-up focus on the path, constantly scanning the rocks to see where my next step would be, and then sometimes stepping back and looking at the bigger picture to find the best path — such life symbolism!
I love that the waves sometimes landed hard on the rocks and threw a spray up into the air or onto us, and it would distract me, so I would have to stop, enjoy the spray, and then refocus on my internal balance and path.
I love that I was getting better and better at it, and will be even better in the future.
Living and learning in layers on the jetty.

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