A space to find deep nourishment and expansive joy

I heart my mail subscribers!

So, some of you may have gotten a couple e-mails from me, while I was trying to figure out how to get you resubscribed, since I changed my blog’s name in January. (I figured out how to edit the feed, so you are now officially signed up again :))

I wanted to catch you guys up on what you missed around here. The links in this post will take you to some threads you may want to check out :D

In February, I shared how it felt to be an Amazon Warrior Monk Rockstar with my shaved head, and we also moved back into the RV and we found that Home is…

In March, I realized just how much of a Prodigal Woman I am, and it was Ready, Set… as we prepared to be done fulltime boondocking.

April brought Ahhhhh, Bliss.  And it also got me thinking about Radical Curiosity (a rather deep and lengthy post that ended up being a runaway train at the end LOL).

So far this month, I gave The Home Tour :))), started getting serious about my Businesshood, shared my Shameless Confession-festo! from about a year ago, and introduced my friend SHINE! and his amazing love movement.

This may just be the longest short post ever :)) Happy reading!

Living this wild sacred life,
V aka Wild, Soul, Zen, or Hey You :))

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