A space to find deep nourishment and expansive joy

Powerful Birth

Hello, Love <3

Did I ever tell you that I had an unassisted/free birth with my baby?

Yep! Just me and my dear friend and our babies in attendance… It was possibly the most empowering experience of my life. It impacted me so deeply that I am still feeling the ripples.

Birth is HUGE to me, and I am so grateful to find my niche in the birth advocacy arena :) After the roughly 1,000 hours of researching pregnancy and birth information during my pregnancy, I had synthesized the most pertinent information and compiled it into a “summary” for friends and family interested in my choice (only to plug it into Word and find out it was a light read of 32 pages of pure words – ouch!).

I have taken a lot of that information, added my own voice, supplemented it with gobs of delicious goodies and an artful background, broken it into 4 deeply satisfying chunks, sprinkled it with even more delicious goodies, and created for you…

Powerful Birth E-course!

 First session July 1st – July 28th

Registration ends July 1st

NOTE: This e-course has information for mamas interested in or planning an unassisted birth, but this e-course wass designed for any birthing woman who is interested in going inward and making intentional choices about her pregnancy and birth. And this e-course is especially designed for wild sacred women, women who already live out-of-the-box, naturally, self-sufficiently — and the women who want to!

The e-course includes:

  • The Wild Sacred Birth e-book (in pdf format) is a hand-meets-digital beauty masterpiece, paradigm kapow!, and soul comfort. Warning: it may make you laugh, cry, sing, do the “funky chicken”, yell “YES!” into empty rooms, and have deep loving conversations with loved ones. I just know you are going to want to read it again and again as you deeply process the layers of your journey of childbirth.
  • the handbook (in pdf format) is my own collection of ma multitude of our birthing sisters’ voices sharing one common message: Birth is incredible and powerful, and so are you.
  • the workbook (in pdf & doc formats) is like yoga for the pregnant heart – it will stretch, align, open you up, and re-energize you, through creative activity ideas and writing prompts galore.
  • 4 hefty soul-delicious chunks of Powerful Birth e-course, dolloped heavily with love, sweetness, and bright shining light. This course is designed to run over the course of 4 weeks, but I know sometimes that deep stuff takes time to really soak in and I am an unschooler to the core, so really it can be done at a self pace. It is taught via forum (see below) and is much much more than just the e-book broken up into pieces — it is jam-packed with extra goodies, like birth sisters to share such a transformative experience with <3
  • 1 year paid subscription to Wild Sacred Souls’ Tribe —  think internet forum meets “at home” with deep loving connections between sister birth goddesses. I know how important these spaces are, espcially during huge transitions like birth. I was made to create tribes, and I can’t wait to share this one with you. It is a bloomin, thrivin, wild-woman-circlin’, supportive, love-centered, ever-evolving, co-created space to connect deeply with mamas who will inspire you, love you, spot you while you stretch and expand, and wow you with their awesome.
  • A fat e-binder (in pdf format), chocked full of info and natural rememdies/ideas for things specific to pregnancy, early labor, active labor, birth, and postpartum. This is a scanned version of the binder I created for my own birth – it contains things you might want to be concerned about during the different stages, complete with color coding to let you know the risk/intervention level.
  • A beautiful hand/digital-hybrid Soulful Pregnancy Journal <3 This is my warmbest gift of love to you: a keepsake of your pregnancy journey for your baby or babies. This is the journal I wish I had had when I was pregnant – a whole collection of the experience of pregnancy and birth. And because I really want it to be extra special to you and your child, I want to include 5 personalized pages for you. Details upon confirmation e-mail.

This e-course will inspire you to:

  • question what you thought you knew about pain and safety in childbirth
  • locate, process, and release your fears concerning pregnancy and birth
  • sink deeply into your inner knowing
  • connect deeper with other mamas, and people in general
  • embody a birth goddess vibe
  • relish your pregnancy journey
  • look forward to giving birth
  • make choices from a place of trust, rather than fear or anxiety
  • plan a sacred, well-prepared birth
  • start creating a birth legacy
  • become and be a self-trust master, and watch it grow into other areas of your life
  • possibly kiss your partner and other children more :)

So, at this point you are probably noticing I have poured my heart and soul into this course. Birthing women hold the warmest place in my heart (yes, I am the woman who stops dancing down the grocery store isle to get all teary at a big beautiful baby belly), and I want to share that deep sacred love with you at a time when I think you can’t possibly soak enough of it in <3 I truly believe (and purposely designed) this package to prepare you as whole-ly as I could imagine would be useful. I know that you probably don’t have the ability or time to do the research I did, but you deserve to know what I found, what I realized, what changed my birth legacy and, honestly-really-truly, what changed my entire life. I can’t imagine having the depth of courage and self-knowing to revolutionize and redesign my life and my relationships, without the self-trust and empowerment that I finally knew through my own powerful birth.

Are you ready to talk price?

I can’t imagine dividing this whole package into parts, so I am not going to give you a breakdown of costs. What I am going to say is, my suggested price is two hundred dollars, but I have faith that you will give what you feel in your heart is right price for you based on what you have to give. Just ask yourself, and when you feel good with a price, there is your answer. Yes, this is your first exercise in my “How to become a self-trust master AND birth goddess in one e-course” adventure :)

Are you ready?

Paypal: wildsacredsoul@live.com

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