A space to find deep nourishment and expansive joy

About Me

Hello, Love!

Fancy seeing you in a place like this :))) Are you new to these parts? Well, let me make you right at home! Here, have a cuppa tea, and let’s sit over there, on the overstuffed couch where we sink in, so we can get cozy and get to know each other better – I have pictures! :)

I call myself Soul… I know! – I totally changed it myself. I change a lot (I love following my flow!), but I’m hoping that is a name that will stick :) I have also gone by Radical Mama and wildzen. Mmmm, delicious, right? Wanna hear more?… Someday, I know I will go by the name Ooma/Uma. I feel it coming, but I’m not ready just yet. Uma is the goddess of all things feminine, especially birth. That is SO me. Someday, I will be a kickass outlaw midwife who started a commune on some wild green fairy land to live sustainably with artful sacred-hearted folks who drum around bonfires on full moons and make messy art with children under a big shadey tree and provide a retreat and haven for anyone in need of respite, and I will moonlight as a family advocate by rallying my kindreds into donating food, cleaning, love, and hand-crafted cloth diapers to new families, so they can lay in bed all week staring into each other’s eyes…

Someday, I will do that. Today, I am a nomad. Did you see my RV outside? Oh, well, I will give you the grand tour when we head back out there :) Gypsy living is *dreamily* simple and blissful and zen… with my children… in a home with changing panoramic views. Big open spaces for adventure and fun and autonomy and trust and togetherness with beloveds *dreamy sigh*

I’m just carrying on a legacy, you know… Yep. Sit back — lemme explain…

My mom had gypsy blood. She inherited it from her mother, who inherited it from HER mother — a wild woman who took her love on the road to paint the sides of trucks to fund their adventures together. Can you imagine? … Me? Well, we moved a lot, and we travelled a lot. All over the US in our minivan, in fact :) My mom was a freestyle bohemian hippy mama with wild red curls and flowing skirts. She practiced magick and read tarot cards and palms in her own healing style to bring people peace. She was super empowered, had the most beautifully obscure friends — just all-round the most amazing role model. So, I did what any girl so incredibly lucky would do: I tried to be normal LOL That didn’t last too long, but while it did, I lived in one spot for 6 years, worked full time for the same company for 7 years, and went to school full time… while someone else (and the public school system) raised the joy of my life in a way that didn’t align with my values. Yeah, I’ve been there, done that. Not the highlight of my life, but the contrast is brilliant :)

Oh, how did I get to where I am now? Yes, it IS pretty different, hahahahaaaaa.

Well, after a little less than a decade of trying to be normal, I started coming back to my roots. I was completing my BA in psychology (basically, me training to be a self-help master with a soft spot for understanding that people construct their own realities) with a minor in womens studies (think radical gender/race/sexuality/age equality and a deeper listening of the colorful stories of people who don’t look like me). I gave birth to my son during my last sememster, and I knew I couldn’t leave my baby again. I released the masters program from my agenda and pulled my oldest blessing out of school to (finally) homeschool her, since I was staying home to attachment parent my baby boy anyway.

Yes, it was incredible!

Connecting a whole family and facilitating a family that is thriving, coupled with some transformative new terms (consensual living, nonviolent communication, and radical unschooling, specifically) and a sewing machine — my whole world shifted and then turned upside down (in a good way!). Plus, let me just throw into this unresume… creating an amazing online tribe of about 300 women where I (and many of them) first felt the kind of REAL connection that heals and creates space to grow, becoming a single mama again, getting some certificates in child development, and having an unassisted birth with my 3rd baby who was also diaperfree. Life was full, and I began to create. I began to design every facet of our life, from the ground up. With all the silence (well, not that having 3 kids is a particularly silent experience LOL), I was able to hear a voice deep inside me that often spoke through my dreams to guide me toward a calling that resonated deep in my soul.

And, of course, there was selling everything we own and renovating & moving into an RV and beginning our nomadventures. And I was a single mama with 3 kids! …I know!!

I have learned that I am a powerful manifestor.

Oh, and I shaved my head and felt like an Amazon warrior monk. *sigh*

And I am growing a successful business that sustains my family and our lifestyle of abundance :))

Ahh, experiences….

Frankly, the reason I am telling you all of this is so you can see my specialities in life (change, inspired living, following the flow, life-design, manifesting dreams and big projects, and whatever you saw that I missed lol), and so you can see how similar we are. I know you have big wild dreams inside you, dreams that feel too lofty or distant. Or maybe they are so close to actualizing, and you just need a cheerleader! Here I am!!!!

I have a gift. I’m still getting clear on it, but I know it has something do with this epically big calling I feel inside me. I see the potential bigness in people and things, sometimes better than they themselves can originally see it. And it has something to do with this light inside me. This bright brilliant light that attracts people. …I shine :) I light people up, too. I pass my wildfire and get people inspired and hopeful. I believe in you. I do! I know you can do anything, and that sometimes you just need a bit of support from someone who sees your potential wild sacred soulful bigness.

I wanna do this with you. So, if you are interested in working with me on some exciting projects of yours, or if you just like my style and think my e-books or e-courses would benefit you, check out my (less wordy) business page :)

In the meantime, I created this blogspace to nourish your soul and bring you the kind of joy that makes both roots and wings stronger. I hope you love it as much as I do :) If you love me as much as I love you and want to be bff’s, you can subscribe by clicking the “connect” button on the sidebar. Also, I’m in the process of setting up a newsletter love letter, to announce my ecourses and other such business stuff (plus discounts for loyal love letter recievers :)) I will announce that in my blog when it’s ready to go :)) The sidebar has all kinds of goodies, really :) I should let you go, so you can check them out!

Oh, wait! Before you go, I promised to show you the RV, and do you wanna meet my naked foot tribe? We call ourselves that because we are almost always barefoot :))

My world kinda revolves around this little tribe <3

My oldest is Kassidy (middle), self-named Krissnik, now 13 (13!!)

The dreadhead on the bottom is my son, Noble, age 5

And my baby dread (on top), Najaia (calls herslef Jaja), is 2 1/2

changing panoramic views, movement, flow, and self-sufficiency. The home tour :))

It has been a delicious pleasure sharing the details of my life with you. I hope you now feel so close to me and want to be a part of my online tribe, a wild sacred soulful pack of mostly-mamas and women (and hopefully a good sprinkling of men), who partake in this co-created space. Afterall, a blog would be nothing without it’s readers <3 I love you. Until next time <3

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